Aug 13, 2010

U.S. Navy Establishes New UMV Office | AVIATION WEEK

The U.S. Navy has established a new program office to manage its unmanned maritime vehicle (UMV) efforts, marrying traditional acquisition and advanced development into a single charter.
“The goal is to coordinate [unmanned vehicle acquisition] efforts and then direct specific experimentation and technology maturation,” says new program manager Capt. Duane Ashton.
The UMV office, established July 16, falls under the purview of the program executive office for Littoral and Mine Warfare. The mixture of acquisition and development means the UMV office will work as a team with industry, universities and laboratories to advance development and then direct acquisition efforts, Ashton says.
The Surface Mine Countermeasures System (SMCM) unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV), envisioned as part of the Littoral Combat Ship mine countermeasures mission package, is being managed by the new UMV office. The goal is to build several engineering development models, field them and then incorporate feedback from sailors into the program, Ashton says.
The Navy’s 2004 UUV Roadmap is under review, although a specific date has not been released for an updated version.
Photo credit: U.S. Navy

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